224 GARUDA PURANAM. without the customary admixture of sesamum with them. O Vyasa, such cakes should be duly offered at Gaya to the souls of one's all departed cognates, agnates and ancestors in the direct line of succession! as well as to their friends and relations. By performing a ceremonial ablution in the sacred pool of Rama-Tirtham, a man acquires the merit of making a gift of a hundred cows at a time. A similar ablution in the lake of Matanga, is sure to enhance that merit ten-fold. The man who bathes at the confluence of the sacred Nishchira, leads his departed manes to the region of Brahma. By bathing at the hermitage of Vashista, the bother acquires the merit of performing a Vajapeya sacrifice. A residence near the sacred stream of Koushika ensures the merit of performing a Horse-Sacrifice. The hallowed fountain of Agnidhara rises from the lake sacred to the grandfather of the gods, and is usually known as the Kapila. The man who performs a Shraddha ceremony at or near this sacred stream, acquires the merit of performing an Agnisthoma sacrifice. By performing a similar ceremony near the foun- tain, sacred to the god Kumara, a man is sure to acquire the merit of performing a Horse-Sacrifice, whereas a visit to his divine image at the adjoining shrine, leads to the emancipation of one's self. An ablution in the sacred fount of the moon god, ensures one's residence in the region of that divinity ^fter death. The man who offers an obsequious cake to his manes on the banks of the pool Sacred to that god leads them to the region of Brahma.